April 4th 10:45 am Alta vs. Lehi At Bingham
12:30 pm Alta vs. Bingham At Bingham
This is a three way tournament, Alta, Lehi, and Bingham
April 11th 9:00am Alta vs. Viewmont At Viewmont
April 18th 9:00am Alta vs. Bonneville At Bonneville
April 25th 9:00am Alta vs. Brighton At Alta
10:45 am Alta vs. Lone Peak At Alta
This is another three way tournament Alta, Brighton, Lone Peak
They are hoping to be able to play this in the stadium at Alta on the new turf field. We will see on that, depending on how fast the wheels of school politics turn. If not, it will be at Indian Hills Middle School.
May 2nd 10:45 am Alta vs. Weber At Viewmont
So there is the schedule. Any and all are invited to come and cheer.
We don't have addresses yet, so I will post those when we get them.
Last game they won 18 to 3. Being so far ahead at the end of the game, Stephen decided to take the ball the whole length of the field and made a shot on the goal. It was just off a little, but it was fun to see him go almost uncontested all the way to the goal.
Also, I heard a fun comment from one of the other parents of the Alta players. He was yelling to his own son, but also referring to Stephen, and I quote, "Get in there and help, he's pushing 4 guys out of the way, get in there and get the ball." I think this kind of experience that they had with
Stephen had something to do with him not being contested too much on the shot on goal. LaCrosse is so fun to watch.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Anne's concerts Oboe Player extraordinaire
Honors band concert : April 22, 2009 at Eastmont Middle School. Evening time. We will find out the time.
School concert: May 20th Around 7:00 pm. (more definite time as it gets closer. At Crescent View Middle School. (CVMS)
The Honors band is a neat honor. It is made up of kids from all over the district and put together just for this special event. Only select students are chosen from each school and asked to participate. Anne said that there will be 3 oboes. That is an exciting prospect because she is the only oboe player at CVMS. We are very proud of her and she is sounding really good!
School concert: May 20th Around 7:00 pm. (more definite time as it gets closer. At Crescent View Middle School. (CVMS)
The Honors band is a neat honor. It is made up of kids from all over the district and put together just for this special event. Only select students are chosen from each school and asked to participate. Anne said that there will be 3 oboes. That is an exciting prospect because she is the only oboe player at CVMS. We are very proud of her and she is sounding really good!
Friday, March 27, 2009
LaCrosse schedule for Stephen
Stephen has a Lacrosse game Saturday March 28th at 12:30pm at Indian Hills Middle school. Anyone that would like to see him play and support him is invited. I will post the schedule for the rest of the season later so you can know when his games are.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hospital time for Sharon
A brief post 'cause I have to go. For those that don't already know Sharon has spent the last 4 days in the hospital. She had intense headaches which they were able to help with. I will put more when I have more time.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Adam update
I thought I would periodically put in excerpts from Adam's emails here. I was going to do that but this last email was so good all the way through that I just put in the whole thing. He is doing great. So here it is:
So I will start with the most important. Clive and elizebeth were baptised last sunday. I was really excited. We had the baptism in a swimming pool that is just on the banks of the Yumana river, which is just north of delhi, kind of by his house. It was really cool. The spirit was really strong. I have some pictures that I am going to be sending home on a cd with a bunch of other ones. They are going to be awesome. Starting at the beginning of last week, Shawn Bradely came for a fireside, (i didn't know who he was either, he is a NBA player) because he was doing some humanitarian work here in india. He was 7' 6". He was the only person I had to look up to here in india. haha. It was really cool and you can tell he has given alot of different firesides and such. He said how it was hard to live a good life in the NBA and how the gospel really helps people in their lives. again pictures coming. Also this week, it was Holi, reasons why the late emailing. This holiday is were they throw paint at every one because of some hindu god that died and they celebrate his death. I was scrubbing paint of me for hours, but it was the funnest thing I have done for a really long time. It was socially appropriate to be throwing water balloons at people and cars, which we happened to take full advantage of, 300 times in fact. We threw alot of balloons. There have been alot of people that we have been going through lately. Elder Schade and I are feeling like there aren't people that aer really interested, so we will find them, and then drop them really quickly to weed out the people that aren't that interested. It is a different technique, but we will go with it. He is super intense though, good for me, holds me to the things I start, or say I am going to do. I love you family, the work is really true, and we are going to rock this week. adam ps. We are getting a new building this month for church which means we are moving out of our college class room. haha. awesome.
So I will start with the most important. Clive and elizebeth were baptised last sunday. I was really excited. We had the baptism in a swimming pool that is just on the banks of the Yumana river, which is just north of delhi, kind of by his house. It was really cool. The spirit was really strong. I have some pictures that I am going to be sending home on a cd with a bunch of other ones. They are going to be awesome. Starting at the beginning of last week, Shawn Bradely came for a fireside, (i didn't know who he was either, he is a NBA player) because he was doing some humanitarian work here in india. He was 7' 6". He was the only person I had to look up to here in india. haha. It was really cool and you can tell he has given alot of different firesides and such. He said how it was hard to live a good life in the NBA and how the gospel really helps people in their lives. again pictures coming. Also this week, it was Holi, reasons why the late emailing. This holiday is were they throw paint at every one because of some hindu god that died and they celebrate his death. I was scrubbing paint of me for hours, but it was the funnest thing I have done for a really long time. It was socially appropriate to be throwing water balloons at people and cars, which we happened to take full advantage of, 300 times in fact. We threw alot of balloons. There have been alot of people that we have been going through lately. Elder Schade and I are feeling like there aren't people that aer really interested, so we will find them, and then drop them really quickly to weed out the people that aren't that interested. It is a different technique, but we will go with it. He is super intense though, good for me, holds me to the things I start, or say I am going to do. I love you family, the work is really true, and we are going to rock this week. adam ps. We are getting a new building this month for church which means we are moving out of our college class room. haha. awesome.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Another major award in the family - Stephen
Stephen experienced the annual Alta high school physics department balsa wood bridge event. He took 3rd place with this bridge holding
1610 pounds
By estimating the weight of our family, I think that his little 6 inch high bridge could hold our entire family all at once. (If we were able to stratigically position ourselves over 5 very precise little points)
For his stupendous feat, he received $10! He was only beaten by two students that were in the AP Physics class.
(Thanks to those who have blazed the trail before him, because Dad had seen what worked and what didn't in years past and was able to advise him)
1610 pounds
By estimating the weight of our family, I think that his little 6 inch high bridge could hold our entire family all at once. (If we were able to stratigically position ourselves over 5 very precise little points)
For his stupendous feat, he received $10! He was only beaten by two students that were in the AP Physics class.
(Thanks to those who have blazed the trail before him, because Dad had seen what worked and what didn't in years past and was able to advise him)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pretty well, now do it again.

The concert went pretty well. I think I did pretty well on my solo. I only messed up a little bit! So the concert for the parents was sort of a warm up, I guess. Because tomorrow we're going to festival! So I get to perform the whole solo again, in front of judges! Ya, so that's a little daunting. But we get to miss all of school tomorrow, so it's totally fine with me!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Just for fun - new cars
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Angels watching over Stephen II
Sorry, I did it again and only got a title down before posting. But actually the second title is more accurate.
Stephen was in two accidents recently. First, he is OK and not hurt. The first accident was not his fault. Someone pulled out in front of him, giving him no other choice but to slam on the brakes and then slam into the side of the white Jaguar that she was driving. We are still waiting on the outcome of the car. The damage has not been determined officially yet.
The next one the next week was up on Highland drive on South mountain. He fell asleep at the wheel and kept going straight when the road curved and hit a curb at around 40 mph. It blew out 3 tires. Fortunately he landed on a dirt road that was soft. It is where there are future plans for a wider road parallel to Highland Dr. There must have been angels watching over him on this one, because he crossed over the line, over the lane of oncoming traffic, hit the curb, caught air, landed on an incline that was about 30 degrees, then came to rest after the rims dug into the soft ground about 8 inches deep for about 40 feet. There was a fair amount of sage brush that acted as a brake for him. He said he woke up immediately on the impact of the wheels hitting the curb and he was airborne as he opened his eyes. We went back to the site of the accident and measured things. It was 35 feet that one side of the wheels were airborne, but 70 feet before all 4 wheels hit the ground. It was 200 feet from point of impact to where he got the vehicle under control. Amazingly only the tires were damaged and the alignment was out, but that was the only damage. There was sage brush stuck in three places on the bottom of the vehicle.
So, as a father, I am very grateful for guardian angels that look out for my kids. Also as a father, I put out a "now hear this" to all my kids: Please don't make any of those wonderful angels work overtime in your behalf.
We are all very happy that Stephen is safe and sound.
Stephen was in two accidents recently. First, he is OK and not hurt. The first accident was not his fault. Someone pulled out in front of him, giving him no other choice but to slam on the brakes and then slam into the side of the white Jaguar that she was driving. We are still waiting on the outcome of the car. The damage has not been determined officially yet.
The next one the next week was up on Highland drive on South mountain. He fell asleep at the wheel and kept going straight when the road curved and hit a curb at around 40 mph. It blew out 3 tires. Fortunately he landed on a dirt road that was soft. It is where there are future plans for a wider road parallel to Highland Dr. There must have been angels watching over him on this one, because he crossed over the line, over the lane of oncoming traffic, hit the curb, caught air, landed on an incline that was about 30 degrees, then came to rest after the rims dug into the soft ground about 8 inches deep for about 40 feet. There was a fair amount of sage brush that acted as a brake for him. He said he woke up immediately on the impact of the wheels hitting the curb and he was airborne as he opened his eyes. We went back to the site of the accident and measured things. It was 35 feet that one side of the wheels were airborne, but 70 feet before all 4 wheels hit the ground. It was 200 feet from point of impact to where he got the vehicle under control. Amazingly only the tires were damaged and the alignment was out, but that was the only damage. There was sage brush stuck in three places on the bottom of the vehicle.
So, as a father, I am very grateful for guardian angels that look out for my kids. Also as a father, I put out a "now hear this" to all my kids: Please don't make any of those wonderful angels work overtime in your behalf.
We are all very happy that Stephen is safe and sound.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
it's a major award

I hate bragging about myself. But, I figure we created this blog to keep each other in the loop. So here's my part of the loop—shameless self-promotion.
I've received some happy letters in the last week. One saying that I'm good at teaching, and important people in my department want to give me an award for it. And another saying that I won 2nd place in a poetry contest. And I don't really even write poetry.
Now, if I could get someone to say they want to give me money-slash-prizes for what I actually think I'm good at—writing fiction—THAT would be a major award.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Kathy's B-Day
We celebrated Kathy's birthday over at the Petersen's. We held our party a little late because Kathy spent her actual birthday in Chicago.
We played a game where one person writes a descriptive sentence, passes it to their neighbor, who draws a picture of it.
The drawer then folds over the descriptive sentence so that it is not visible to the next person they pass it to, who writes a descriptive sentence of the new picture. The new writer then folds the picture over, hiding it, and passes it on to a new drawer.
What started out as "A punk rock girl with a cupcake tattoo listening to rock music,"
became "Captain America puked into a jar while he was wearing MC Hammer pants."
Steve and Dan wrestled. Dan established his dominance as alpha-male.

What started out as "A punk rock girl with a cupcake tattoo listening to rock music,"

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