Sunday, June 28, 2009

Balance in the universe, once again

After our 4 wheeling experience (see earlier blog) with some very nice people that helped us, they would only accept a thank you and nothing more for the help they gave.

Last week, in the parking lot of Jordan Commons a man approached me with the kind of look on his face that I imagine I had while on my 4 wheeler and met with our answers to prayer. He and his brother were on their way to Payson from somewhere far away and were about to run out of gas and had no money. Their plan was to get off the freeway where they can be around people and at least have a chance at help instead of being stranded on the freeway, out of gas with cars whizzing by. The look on his face was sincere. When I gave him money for gas, he got out his cell phone and offered to give me his number and address so that he could mail me back the amount that I gave him.

So I refused the same way Steve, Wyatt, Missy, and Tawna did to me and told him to help someone else out in the future and that will be thanks enough. It just felt good.


1 comment:

kathy w. said...

Yay! It all comes back around.