Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mayo Clinic ratings

US News and World Report put out there "America's Best Hospitals" list for 2009

The Mayo Clinic Ranked:

2nd Overall (John's Hopkins was 1st but Mayo has been 1st before)

1st Diabetes and Endocrine disorders
1st Neurology and Neurosurgery
1st Digestive disorders
2nd Respiratory disorders
4th Rheumatology disorders
3rd Kidney disorders
4th Cancer
7th Ear Nose and Throat

I am taking Sharon to the best place in the world for what she needs to get the answers she needs. We are leaving Monday morning to be able to be there for an appointment starting at 7:00am Tuesday.

I will keep you posted on this blog (pun intended) on what we find while there. Also, our cell phones will work there. If we don't answer, we are where they tell you to turn off your phone.

We appreciate the prayers, support and love that we feel from family and friends.


kathy w. said...


Ali said...

Can't wait to hear how it goes!