Friday, June 12, 2009

Environmental pest control - just for fun

In seeing Christopher's blogs about the farm where they buy their food and how environmentally aware he and Kathy are, it has spread to me.

We have a snail problem in our yard. We have hundreds, probably thousands of them in our yard. I didn't want to do the snail bait because it can kill the frogs and toads that we do like to have in our yard. And plus, it is putting a poison in the yard. So I thought that I would be smart and do what nature does to control populations of animals or organisms: Predators. Get something that likes to eat snails. So with the wonders of the internet I have my answer.

African Black Rhinos and Alpaccas are natural predators to snails!!!!! I thought I was all set, but was sad to see that PetSmart doesn't carry those. Darn.


kathy w. said...

I'm sure they carry African Black Rhinos SOMEWHERE. I know what I'm getting someone for Father's Day...

Mike and Lauren said...

Hahaha this was such a funny post!

Mike and Lauren said...

Hahaha this was such a funny post!

Mr. Christopher said...


Beer works, and won't kill the toads.

Pour some beer into a shallow container, like a jar lid, and set it next to the plants that you worry about.

Wait a couple of days, voila, you have a lid full of dead snails. Empty it out somewhere and try it again.

You can cover the trap with something to keep the rain out.

The only drawback is the awkward moment when someone from the ward catches you buying a six-pack.

I have a book that has some other suggestions too. I'll bring it over.